Does No Contact Work For Short Term Relationships?

21 април, 2023


I was so angry it was easy for me to cut contact with him. But after a couple of weeks, I calmed down and started to think rationally about what happened. After your 60 days are up, it’s time to make the first contact – via text messages. By talking to your ex after a breakup, you are losing control and power over your relationship and damaging your chance of getting back with your ex. In this “emotional” state, you don’t want to talk to your ex. Nothing will make him run away even further than a “feelings” conversation, or desperate begging and pleading.

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He says he doesn’t feel the same , but nearly every month he will budge to hang out and he tells me that i need to change my behavior of begging and calling . After we hang out I try to stay clam but even if i just send a friendly text he will ignore me for weeks or months. Its started with me being not happy that with how distant he is and he knew that I loved him more than he delete does for me now. We fought because I found him not being honest and not commiting to whatever he promised. Afterwards, he confessed he wasnt being able to be himself with me because I did not provide him the environment. That really shocked and I feel he should have told me from the start as we have known each other for three years and we go into the relationship for 1.5 years.

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And maybe, just maybe, you might find your way back together. 9 year relationship became strenuous for me since May ( it’s now Jan 2021) due to a “male friend”. Fast forward to recently she told me she was pregnant and due to the iud in place it the pregnancy needs to terminated. She calls me after 8 days of nc wanted to recommit. I did, went over and few days goes by I reach out wanting to see her only to get a response don’t come over her “male friend” is at the house and I will only be disappointed. Now I’m starting nc over again, 5 days in now and it’s not any easier the second time around.

Above all, you should try to gain clarity during your period of no contact to avoid making the devastating mistake of getting back together with a guy who is wrong for you. Whatever it is, make the time to do more of it. This is a major building block for self-esteem, something everyone can use more of post-breakup . We all have that something that makes us feel alive, that puts us in touch with our essence, that makes us feel worthy and competent.

Any More Questions About The No Contact Rule & Male Psychology?

A woman might second guess herself, but she’ll probably cope with these feelings by convincing herself she did the right thing. She may tell friends and family that she made the right choice, and she’ll try to work toward moving on, even if she is feeling some uncertainty inside. Play it cool when you do reconnect after the no contact rule. Emphasize that you’ve been hanging out with friends and having fun. You don’t want to make them despair, but your ex also shouldn’t feel like they hold all the cards.

We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. We’re your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love. This approach is the unsaid holy grail of coping with heartbreak. It makes you emotionally stronger and better equipped to deal with all the negative emotions that come in the wake of a breakup. One of the signs that the rule is working in your favor is a sudden spike in your ex’s responsiveness.

I really don’t know how to go about it cause it’s like we are both waiting for the other to start the conversation but I can’t coz he went silent first. Still to say this I think I maybe pushed him away he hardly told me he loves me so like I was directly confronting him that he doesn’t love me and that’s why hardly does he say it with his words. I love this guy whole heartedly but I hate it he rarely tells me so like other couples do. U know am still in the dark coz he doesn’t tell where I went wrong so am just guessing everything. I was in a relationship with a guy for over two years, although we never give the boyfriend/girlfriend tittle to each other, we were a couple.

So you ignore his calls, you don’t respond to his texts, you remove him from any of your social media profiles and you put the past in the past. You do not communicate with him via social media. You do not communicate or respond at all, period, for 30 days. You stay gone and all he hears are crickets chirping in the dead of night.

Practically speaking, No Contact lets you limit or stop your interactions with a toxic person. It gives you the power of protecting yourself psychologically and emotionally. This outburst of thoughts often leads men to miss their partners and they end up fearing the idea of the woman leaving them forever. These were just the major benefits of no contact. There is so much more that every person going through this phase experiences, depending on their own circumstances.

Him wanting you and thinking about you and wondering about you is a byproduct, not the goal. The goal is to gain clarity and better yourself. Learn to love yourself, to love your life, to be happy. Yeah, yeah so I need to focus on myself … but will I be able to get him back?? I can hear what you’re thinking as I write this article and I will address it because I know you want him back, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this.

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