How to Potty Train a Dog When You Live in a High-Rise Apartment

Corgis, unfortunately, are known to bark more than other breeds. But, with the right training and patience, excessive barking can be managed. They’re very clean and they really, really want to do what you want to do. While Corgis puppies may wet the crate, they rarely poop in it.

Potty training is essential because it teaches your training springer spaniel puppy where and when to relieve themselves, sparing you from needless cleanup and aggravation. If you find the results of an accident after it’s happened, again do not punish the dog. Punishment could make the dog afraid to eliminate in your presence. It’s more effective to clean up the mess and put it in the designated elimination spot, so the smell will help your dog recognize that this is where to go. Don’t give your puppy an opportunity to soil in the house; keep an eye on them whenever they’re indoors. Consider the possibility of fear or anxiety being a contributing factor.

  • ” while hustling him to his potty spot will make the point that there’s a difference between the spot where he started and that special place you want him to go.
  • If you start at home, where your dog is comfortable, you can make the vet and grooming experiences a lot more pleasant for everyone.
  • And you should treat it like the medical condition it is.
  • If exercises are always kept too easy, then dogs will keep doing them correctly because they are being rewarded (cheeky).
  • The actual time will fluctuate based on your breed, and how closely your family can stick to the plan.

To make your dreams come true, teaching them to settle on a mat is what you’ll want to focus on. Here’s the thing though –  dog’s don’t generalize automatically or very easily. It actually involves lots of practice in different environments. Make sure there are no distractions around – we want full focus when we’re training. Practice swapping their toys for food treats, or other toys. On a similar note, it’s important that your puppy learns how to give up items willingly as this will help prevent resource guarding.

Note Down When Your Corgi Needs To Navigate to the Potty.

“This kind of training can start as soon as your puppy comes home (as early as eight weeks), provided you plan to use positive-reinforcement training,” says Naito. In the early weeks of bringing home a new puppy, many owners are overwhelmed. There are supplies to shop for, appointments to make, and lots of training to be done. Setting up the right behaviors and expectations during puppyhood is essential, and it starts with puppy obedience training classes. Now that you and your puppy have established a training routine and he has had all of his vaccinations, it’s time to take your training into the real world. These later puppy learning stages focus on generalizing behaviors to new locations and situations outside the home.


If you are not in an enclosed area, use a long leash. This will encourage your dog to follow the command, and listen to you in the future. This breed loves adventures and will be more than happy to go on a walk, hike, jog with you. Let’s focus on the 7, 8, and 10-week lifespan of your puppy. However, if they exhibit inappropriate behavior or approach the off-limits area, simply refuse by saying a clear “NO”.

Others can take months, especially if the dog has had a less than ideal situation before coming to you. With patience and persistence, though, most dogs can learn. Puppy pads give a dog the option of relieving herself in an approved spot at home. There are also high-tech indoor dog bathrooms that even work for male dogs. After the dog matures, the owner can then work on having the dog do her business outdoors all the time. The best way they all learn is through positive reinforcement training.

As you begin crate training your Corgi, take it slow and introduce the crate gradually. Encourage exploration of the crate, rewarding pup if they go near or in it. When they feel comfortable, start feeding meals inside and leaving treats as a treat. This will help create a positive sentiment towards the crate, making them more at ease spending time in it. Like all dogs, Corgi puppies need to be properly house trained to avoid messes in your home.


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