How to Prepare a Board Presentation

A board presentation is one of the most important things that a leadership team can do. The presentation gives an opportunity for management to discuss their goals and objectives, as well as performance in order for the board to assess its performance and decide whether it’s on a good path. It also gives the board an overview of where the company’s standing in its field and how it compares to its the competition.

A well-designed board presentation includes an amalgamation of high-level information (such as income, balance or cash flow statements) and more visual representations. Charts that contextualize numbers by linking them to specific time periods, company objectives and the performance of competitors are included. Also assets that show a specific strategies (such as screenshots of a website or social media advertising) can be used.

A good board presentation also includes using language that board members are familiar with and can use. It is best to use metaphors that are easy to understand and relate to, such as the business’s growth or expanding it, rather than using technical terms which can be confusing or overwhelming. It is also important to stay clear of jargon and include a glossary.

In the end, the board will want to understand how your plan will impact the bottom line and the steps needed to accomplish it. It’s helpful to talk to the person inviting your presentation before the meeting or at least have a brief phone conversation to gain a sense of the purpose.

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